Origin Story

The Kirra Abode was birthed from a young woman’s desire to do something different. After years of soul (and soil) searching, a beacon beamed her all the way from Toronto Canada right to Kirra Beach.

After a life-altering vacation to Australia that sent her around its vast coasts, Marisa moved, in 2015, to Australia determined to be a part of this land.

In 2017 she found a cozy unit in an unknown beach town far away from the bustle, with a landlord couple who welcomed her with open hearts.

Marisa sublet the abode on airbnb on weekends to share the wonder of the place with soulful travellers while funding her way through yoga school in Byron Bay.

In 2021, days after finally becoming a permanent resident (!!!) Marisa bought the abode and made it her own, designing every inch with her heart and her soul, unpretentious and welcoming, like a warm hug for a weary traveler, — exactly how she felt when she was welcomed home here too, — with every detail thought out to feel like home and a magical escape at once.

Filled with perfectly imperfect art and pottery, handmade by Marisa or thoughtfully curated from creative friends around town, The Kirra Abode is the place where worries wash away the moment you step through the door and nature calls you home to listen to the songs of your soul.

We are delighted you can be a part of this story too. When you’re ready, book here.


Sun, Surf, and Silver: The Kirra Beach Life of Jess Rutter and Her Botanical Jewellery