Turn your home into a profitable Airbnb with Marisa’s 4 Pillar System for Holiday Hosting.

When I first started hosting on Airbnb back in 2012, I quickly realised that turning a space into a successful short-term rental involves more than just listing it online and waiting for guests to book. Throughout the years, a system developed with the same 4 overarching themes that proved to be invaluable when it comes to turning a home into a warm, welcoming holiday business.

I believe this system can help anyone transform their home — whether it's a spare room, a guest house or a whole unit — into a profitable, welcoming space. The system is built on my four simple pillars:

Minimise, Organise,
Beautify, Monetise.

Let me walk you through these pillars, and I'll share some practical tips along the way.

1. Minimise: Less is More

The first step in creating a space that guests will love is minimising clutter. Trust me, the last thing a guest wants is to walk into a space that feels crowded, chaotic, or overly personal. Guests are looking for a place that feels clean, calming, and inviting — a space where they can easily imagine themselves within.

A serene escape - just enough personal touches to feel away at home without being overwhelmed by someone's clutter.

Practical Tips

- Declutter Ruthlessly: Go through every room and remove items that aren’t necessary for your guests’ stay. This includes personal photos, knick-knacks, and excess furniture. The goal is to create a neutral, welcoming environment; A blank canvas that we will create upon in the next steps.

- Keep Essentials Accessible: While it’s important to minimise, make sure you’re not stripping away essentials. Ensure that items like extra blankets, a hairdryer, and coffee supplies are easy to find.

- Storage Solutions: Use storage bins, baskets, and furniture with hidden compartments to keep necessary items out of sight but within reach. Add locks to cabinets to turn them into host-only areas, and hide away items you do not want your guests to use or see.

2. Organise: Efficiency is Everything

Once you've minimised the space, it's time to organise it. A well-organised space isn't just about aesthetics, it's about functionality. When everything has its place, your guests will have a smoother, more enjoyable experience, and tidying up will be a breeze.

Practical Tips

- Create a Guest Information Station: Dedicate a small area to essentials like Wi-Fi details, house rules, and local recommendations. A well-organised binder or digital guide can make all the difference. View and purchase my template here.

- Streamline the Kitchen: If you’re offering a kitchen, make sure it’s equipped with the basics—think pots, pans, utensils, and a few key spices. Organise these items so they’re easy to find and use. Remove extra things from the utensil drawers that guests don’t need. Make each drawer and cupboard serve a purpose - dining, cooking, storing - and have all the items in these spaces organised and easy to reach too.

- Tidy Up the Storage Areas: Closets, cabinets, and drawers should be organised and easy to navigate. Consider adding labeled bins or baskets for extra linens, toiletries, and cleaning supplies.

3. Beautify: Time to Shine

This is where your space starts to really shine. Beautifying your space doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune. It’s about adding thoughtful touches to wow your guests when they walk through the door.

Practical Tips

- Choose a Colour Palette: Stick to a simple, cohesive colour scheme that complements your space. Neutral tones with pops of colour tend to work well and appeal to a wide audience. Darker tones add richness. Bright pops of colour make the place fun and quirky. Pinterest is your best friend for gathering inspo on this.

- Add Greenery: Plants are an inexpensive way to bring life and freshness to a space. Even a few small potted plants can make a big difference. If you’re not around to care for them, consider high quality silk plants instead.

- Focus on Lighting: Good lighting is crucial. Invest in warm, inviting light fixtures and ensure each room has enough light sources, including bedside lamps and reading lights. Layer lighting so people can opt out of the big overhead light and instead illuminate the space with mood-setting layers of lamps and functional lights.

- Art and Decor: Select art and decor pieces that reflect the location or theme of your space. For example, beach-themed artwork works well in coastal properties, while modern, minimalist art might suit a city apartment.

Marisa’s Note:

Remember: You set the standard for how your guests treat your home:

If it’s messy, cluttered and thoughtless, guests will follow that standard. If it is elevated, well thought-out and clearly beloved, the energy will translate; Your guests will be more likely to care for the space, leaving it as they found it while mimicking your care.

4. Monetise: Supplement (and maximise) Your Income

Now that your space is ready, it’s time to think about how to make the most of your investment. Monetising your Airbnb isn’t just about setting a nightly rate — it’s about understanding your market, offering unique value, and consistently delivering a top-notch experience.

Practical Tips

- Research Pricing: Use local real estate, Air DNA, and Airbnb’s pricing tools to see what similar listings in your area are charging. Consider offering competitive rates initially to build up reviews and then gradually increase your prices as your reputation grows.

- Offer Extras: Little touches can go a long way. What’s your point of difference — what makes your space unique? Consider offering logo stickers, a welcome basket with local products or something unique your guests will love. At The Kirra Abode, we offer free postcards and a slew of discounts from local businesses. These small gestures can lead to glowing reviews and repeat bookings. Don’t get too caught up on this in the beginning, though. Make your space functional and beautiful first, and you can work on the fun stuff as you go.

- Optimise Your Listing: Make sure your Airbnb listing is fully optimised with high-quality photos, a detailed description, and clear, enticing headlines. Highlight what makes your space unique, whether it’s the location, amenities, or special features. Scheduled messages that welcome your guests in and direct them to check-in and check-out procedures are everything. A good house manual is essential (check out our template) to avoid confusion and to offer your guests a smooth experience —and it keeps them our of your inbox.

- Encourage Reviews: Positive reviews are key to success on Airbnb. After each stay, review your guests. When they receive their review, Airbnb prompts them to review you too. If you haven’t received their review, you can opt to leave it be, or politely ask your guests to leave a review if they enjoyed their stay. I like to tell my guests that I welcome any personal feedback because I find it helpful for future guests, so if my guests has a complaint, they are invited to tell me personally (rather than leave it in a public review) and give me an opportunity to work on it. Oftentimes, problem-solving a guest’s complaint leaves to a glowing review from them. When it comes to responding to guests reviews, respond to all reviews, both positive and negative, in a professional and courteous manner. Remember that your future guests are watching you, and will book with you based on how well you handled a negative review.

Remember, hosting isn’t just about providing a place to stay — it’s about creating an experience, and with these principles as your guide, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a top-rated host.

Stay tuned for more insights and tips in upcoming posts where I'll dive deeper into each of these pillars and share more stories from my journey as a host!


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